Ship Design

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

Concept & Preliminary Design

Whatever the customer's needs, when it comes to technical support at the pre-design stage, GAMAR TECHNIEK has the breadth and depth of knowledge needed to develop practical and viable technical solutions for a concept without compromising the original design intent.

In addition, both our purchasing and engineering department maintain strong ties with key suppliers, enabling us to work with them to ensure technical feasibility and provide our customers with the best and most competitive engineering solutions, reducing CAPEX and OPEX costs.

Class Approval Design

Class Approval design includes the development of all key documentation required for assessment by flag and classification societies. Thanks to our broad and uniform approach to the engineering project, GAMAR TECHNIEK can effectively deliver class-approved drawings and documents for vessels with a length of 15 m to 105 m.

With experience in dealing with the main CCSS, our engineers at GAMAR TECHNIEK can deal effectively with the design requirements and class comments on the various drawings. If necessary, GAMAR TECHNIEK is able to defend the interests of our customers if a problem arises with the classification society. Knowing the CCSS inspectors personally also helps speed up the approval process and closing comments.

GAMAR TECHNIEK produces top quality CS documentation packages and technical specifications. These form the basis for the development of the detailed engineering project and a more detailed reference for cost estimation.

GAMAR TECHNIEK can provide both document control services and detailed planning for the engineering work. That way we can ensure that the ship's supply chain starts off on the right foot. Purchases are made on-time and according to the technical specification. The lead times for the various elements are well considered to ensure that the Production Department receives the parts on time and ensures a smooth execution of the project.

Get in Touch!

We would love to hear from you. Contact us for any inquiries or to schedule a consultation.

Pierre van Hauwelaan 112,
2625 WL, Delft (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31 626 271 509

Contact Information

Avda. Xoan Carlos I, 21/5a - 36600
Vilagarcia de Arousa (Spain)
Tel. +34 658 645 463