Maritime & Marine Works

GAMAR TECHNIEK Diving has collected all the experience provided by its original parent company in the area of repairs and maintenance of maritime and hydraulic works, so it has the capacity to carry out and take part in diverse maritime and hydraulic works such as leveling, dredging, submerged formworks, cable laying, emissaries and pipes, etc.

The maritime, subaquatic and / or port works sector requires the participation of experienced divers and hydraulic and pneumatic machinery for its execution such as the use of lifting balloons. So, our company has personnel specialized in aquatic works, trained to carry out support tasks in drawer anchoring maneuvers, submerged concrete pouring, placement of blocks, pouring and leveling of foundations, execution of concrete foundations, assembly of submerged formwork among others.

The following are considered within the maritime and marine works:

  • Support in construction of docks and ports. (Dredging, leveling, foundations, etc)

  • Controlled drilling, blowing-ups and demolitions.

  • Bathymetry and topographic equipment.

  • Laying and installation of emissaries, pipes, cables and submarine collectors on the seabed.

  • Recovery of tunnel boring machines.

  • Foundations in dams and bridges and concrete injection.

  • Works on hydraulic systems such as dams and swamps.

  • Dredging and cleaning of valves.

  • Pressure washes and placement of anti-turbidity barriers.

  • Installation of buoy anchors for offshore wind power generation systems...

Inspection services with R.O.V.

Aligned with the technological evolution, in which we are immersed, we have implemented an Operation with R.O.V. (Remote Operated Vehicles) Department made up of professionals in scientific, technical and industrial fields in the underwater sector, oering a professional service of the highest quality. In particular, our R.O.V. can integrate dierent instrumentation into its arm, making it very versatile.

The most common applications of our R.O.V. are the following:

  • Inspection and filming inside emissaries and pipes, submerged structures, ship hull, docks, dams, anchorage equipment, aquaculture facilities ...

  • Environmental impact assessments and filming of seabed and contamination.

  • Rescue and recovery of objects from the seabed. Rescue missions and shipwreck inspections.

  • Scientific studies with sampling (mud, sand, water).

  • Marine flora and fauna census such as posidonia.

  • Inspections at great depth, up to 300 meters with stationary positioning.

Salvage, refloating & recovery from sea

Assisted by our diving equipment, as well as by our support vessels or crane trucks from land, we oer refloating services for sunken ships, in addition to recovery and extraction of any other sunken object or material, such as cars, walkways, floating docks, etc., providing a quick and agile response to any emergency. The most common operations are the following:

  • Salvage and refloating of vessels.

  • Location and recovery of all kind of submerged objects.

  • Recovery of heavy structures.

  • Lashing of all kind of objects for their lifting.

Environmental services

Currently, the protection of the environment and, in particular, the protection of the aquatic and marine environment, as described in the Objectives of Sustainable Development (OSD) by the United Nations, and specifically in its Objective 14 Underwater Life: “To perseve and sustainably use our oceans, seas and marine resources for a sustainable development”, which aims to prevent and reduce significantly all kind of marine pollution, makes GAMAR TECHNIEK Maritime Sevicesto be fully aligned with these objectives. Our extensive experience in the Environmental Engineering Sector and Marine Biology, allows us to contribute to achive these objectives by offe-ring environmental works and services like the following:

  • Cleaning of the seabed and floating debris, recovery of waste for proper waste management.

  • Preparation of environmental impact reports, as well as marine waste management marine and approaches for recovery of seabed.

  • Biological sampling of underwater flora and fauna. Collection or plantation of underwater flora and fauna.

  • Cleaning of sheets of water, anti-turbidity curtains, anti-pollution barriers.

  • Data collection and underwater samples (water, mud, sand...) for physical and chemical analysis.

  • Environmental dredging of potentially dangerous sea mud, and its management on land.

  • Works in purification systems for wastewater and contaminated water.

In this regard, our qualified sta, including marine biologists as well as environmental engineers, supports our experience in this sector.

gray and white cooler chest on gray surface
gray and white cooler chest on gray surface

Get in Touch!

We would love to hear from you. Contact us for any inquiries or to schedule a consultation.

Pierre van Hauwelaan 112,
2625 WL, Delft (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31 626 271 509

Contact Information

Avda. Xoan Carlos I, 21/5a - 36600
Vilagarcia de Arousa (Spain)
Tel. +34 658 645 463